• Worship God with Us

    St. Paul's is an Anglican Church in the heart of Cambridge, with a commitment to those on the edge.

    Sunday Worship, 10.30am

    Entrance on Hills Road - through the foyer into the main hall.

    This service is the focal point of our weekly activity when we gather together to praise God. We gather around the Lord's Table which is placed in the centre of our worship space which creates a sense of 'God with us'. The Word (Bible) is read and opened for us from a range of preachers. We share in Holy Communion, the foundational worship of Christians (sharing in bread and wine). If you are new to worship and Christianity, please be assured that we will make you feel welcome and you can join in with as much or as little as you like. There is an informal choir which meets on special occasions and all are welcome to join and sing of whatever ability.

    Children and Young People

    There are groups for 4-11 year olds and 11+ youth group. 4-11ys meet every week, the youth meet every other week and join the main service every other week. There is an area for babes in arms in the main worship space. Children and young people are very welcome here and are invited to play a full part in our worship. We have some seasonal all-together services.

    Contact our Children and Family Worker to find our more and to join her mailing list: anna@stpaulscambridge.org.uk

    Sunday Evening Service, 6pm

    We have a variety of services in the evening all at 6pm.

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    Taize singing:

    Sunday 23rd February, Taize Singing

    Sunday 13th April, Taize Singing

    Celtic Evening Prayer

    Sunday 2nd March, Celtic Evening Prayer

    From Sunday 9th March - Lent

    We will be having a 6pm Lent Group at St Paul's- more information soon.

    To receive the weekly e-news and find out more about Sunday services, contact the Vicar - vicar@stpaulscambridge.org.uk

    See below for our Midweek Services.

    These all take place in our Chapel (entrance on St Paul's Road) unless otherwise stated.

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    Daily Prayer

    8.30am- 9am Chapel


    (The Chapel is accessed via the side door on St Paul's Road, last church door before the houses-not the main entrance on Hills Road).

    Morning Prayer is said in our Chapel Monday-Thursday. We follow the Anglican order for daily prayer. You can access it below and pray at home, on your way to work, or if you are able with us in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome and all the material needed will be provided.





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    Monday Simple Supper Service

    7.00 pm, Chapel

    Each week at 6pm we eat a simple meal together, listening to each other's stories as we share our food together. People attend from the local community, the congregation and those who are homeless or in food poverty. The diverse mix of people make this an unusual special gathering which embodies our 'All Are Welcome' ethos. After clearing away, we have a service in the chapel at 7pm during which we light candles for people and situations about which we are concerned. We suggest a donation of £2 for the meal but understand that not everyone is able to pay.

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    Tuesday Cuppa

    11am Chapel

    A chance for a chat and cuppa. A reading from the Bible and a chance to pray.

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    Tuesday Iona Healing Service, 

    7pm on zoom

    This service uses a liturgy from the Iona Community with laying on of hands for healing and a short sung prayer. The service lasts between 20 to 30 minutes and all are welcome. It meets on zoom: email office@stpaulscambridge.org.uk for the code.


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    Wednesday - Reflective Communion

    12pm Main Church Hall- Hills Road Entrance

    A reflective service of Communion during which we practice lectio divina, a slow reading of the Bible, with a chance to share together what we have heard from God. Followed by tea and coffee.

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    Wednesday Morning Service

    7.30 am, Chapel (First Wednesday of each month)

    We gather in the chapel for the service on first Wednesday of the month, otherwise we have been meeting on zoom since Covid. We take it in turns to choose the liturgy and a reading - a poem, a blessing, a reflection, scripture - something that has resonated with us and we would like to share. We light candles and pray for people and situations that are concerning for us.

    Afterwards we decamp to the local cafe before we head off into the day. Email the office@stpaulscambridge.org.uk for the zoom code.

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    Thursday - Lunchtime Service

    12.15-12.30 pm in the Lunch Room

    Before a community lunch in the Lower Hall there is a service of candle-lighting. All welcome.

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    Friday Lunchtime Communion Service

    12.00 pm, Chapel

    This Communion Service uses the Book of Common Prayer form of Anglican Communion Service. It is open to all and is attended mostly by those who will then stay to our Friday lunch club meal, a friendly get -together. The service includes a short reflection by the person presiding.