• Special services & Celebrations


    'For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven:

    a time to be born and a time to die' Ecclesiastes 3


    St Paul's church is here for you to celebrate those special and difficult times in your life and the lives of those you love. Not only can we offer you a sacred space for a service, but also a flexible space for celebrations or receptions.





    Pastoral Ministry

    Baptisms, weddings, funerals and more


    Anyone who lives in the parish of St Paul's is able to come to us for baptisms, weddings and funerals. You can find out which is your local parish church here. https://www.achurchnearyou.com/


    It is also possible to help those who don't live in the parish, so don't hesitate to get in touch. We would love to support you in the special and significant times in your life. There are different times in life when we feel particularly drawn to God and to the church, sometimes in joy and sometimes in sorrow. There is always a lot to talk and think about around these events and we are here to help in this process.


    Please contact the Vicar on vicar@stpaulscambridge.org.uk in the first instance.



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    Congratulations, you are engaged!!! Now you can start planning the big day. To find out all about Church of England weddings and to have your initial questions answered go to:


    If you'd like to get married at St Paul's Church and you believe you have a qualifying connection, please contact the Vicar. Every couple that is married in the church is offered marriage preparation classes.

    St Paul's is also the perfect place for your wedding venue. Contact the bookings team if you'd like to discuss our wedding venue package. bookings@stpaulscambridge.org.uk

    Banns of marriage application, contact the Vicar on: office@stpaulscambridge.org.uk


    Prayers of Love and Faith: Celebrating Same-Sex Couples


    The Prayers of Love and Faith are offered as resources in praying with and for a same-sex couple who love one another and who wish to give thanks for and mark that love in faith before God. To celebrate in God’s presence the commitment two people have made to each other is an occasion for rejoicing. The texts are offered to express thanksgiving and hope, with prayer that those who are dedicating their life together to God may grow in faith, love and service as God’s blessing rests upon them. At the current time, these cannot be used in a stand alone service, but only as part of an existing service.


    Please contact our Vicar, Rev'd Imogen Nay, if you would like to discuss using these prayers. She would be very happy to hear from you.




    Prayers of Love and Faith | The Church of England


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    Baptisms or Christenings


    Christenings are a very special moment in the life of your baby or child. At St Paul's we will welcome you and your family as you recognise and give thanks for your child and God's blessing upon them.


    Older children and adults can also be baptised and that normally follows a period of learning and preparation. Do get in touch or come to one of our services if you feel God calling you in this way.





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    Funerals or Memorial Services

    There are moments in our life when we seek the support and comfort of our local parish church to help us say goodbye to loved ones and to mark and celebrate the lives of our family members and friends. Do get in touch with the Vicar if you have recently lost a loved one and are considering a church service. She will be very happy to talk you through a Church of England funeral or memorial service, either in church or at the crematorium. She can also come to the Natural Burial Ground, do ask.









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    Ministry at the time of death

    A priest is available to visit your loved one at the time of death for anointing and prayer. Contact the Vicar.






    Certificates and Registers


    For information about baptism, confirmation and marriage certificates www.elydiocesanregistry.co.uk